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5000+ Orders Delivered Scientifically Tested 10% OFF On Prepaid Orders Delivered with care 10 Years of Legacy

Shukra Shankh

Original price was: ₹1,800.00.Current price is: ₹1,250.00.

Make “Shukra” Strong.
Bring Love and Happiness.
Enhance Attraction and Charisma.
Improve Relationships.

Estimated delivery dates: 18th Jan - 23rd Jan

199 in stock

शुक्र की महादशा में

आने वाली समस्याएं

Break-up & Divorce समस्याएं

शुक्र का नकारात्मक प्रभाव प्रेम और वैवाहिक जीवन में तनाव पैदा कर सकता है। इससे misunderstandings, emotional disconnect, और रिश्तों में दरार जैसी समस्याएं हो सकती हैं।

Commitment Issues

शुक्र के शंख के कमजोर प्रभाव से commitment या लंबे समय तक किसी रिश्ते को बनाए रखने में समस्याएं आ सकती हैं।

गलतफहमी & Lack of Harmony

आपसी समझ की कमी और बार-बार होने वाले झगड़े रिश्ते को कमजोर बना सकते हैं। यह संबंधों में disharmony और dissatisfaction का कारण बनता है।

Trust और Loyalty की समस्या

शुक्र का अशुभ प्रभाव trust issues को बढ़ा सकता है, जिससे रिश्ते में insecurity और तनाव का माहौल बनता है।

यदि हां, तो आपको भी

इनका Solution मिल सकता है

Relationships में सुधार करता है

शुक्रमणि पहनने से love life और social relationships में positivity आती है, जिससे रिश्ते मजबूत बनते हैं।

Attractiveness बढ़ाता है

यह शंख आपकी charm और personality को निखारता है, जिससे आप अपने साथी के लिए और अधिक आकर्षक बनते हैं।

Trust और Loyalty को मजबूत करता है

शुक्र शंख का प्रभाव रिश्तों में trust issues और misunderstandings को कम करता है।

Emotional जुड़ाव को गहरा करता है

 शुक्र शंख का प्रभाव partners के बीच emotional connection और warmth को बढ़ाता है।

Misunderstandings को कम करता है

यह शंख रिश्तों में disharmony और गलतफहमियों को दूर करने में मदद करता है।

Love Life में Stability लाता है

शुक्र शंख का उपयोग रिश्तों में स्थिरता और balance बनाए रखने में सहायक होता है।

शुक्र शंख

को कैसे Use करें

शंख को शुद्ध करें

शुक्र शंख को holy water (जैसे गंगाजल या कच्चा दूध) से धोकर उसकी purity सुनिश्चित करें। यह शुद्धता positive energy को बढ़ाती है।

पहनने का दिन

शुक्रमणि को Friday (शुक्रवार) के दिन पहनें, क्योंकि यह दिन शुक्र ग्रह का प्रतिनिधित्व करता है और शुभ माना जाता है।

शांत स्थान चुनें

किसी peaceful जगह पर east या north direction की ओर face करके बैठें। ध्यान और positive vibes पर focus करें।

Mantra Jaap (मंत्र जाप)

शुक्र बीज मंत्र: ॐ द्रां द्रीं द्रौं सः शुक्राय नमः।
इस मंत्र को सुबह के समय 108 बार जाप करें। यह शुक्र शंख की energy को activate करता है।

Final Prayer (अंतिम प्रार्थना)

शुक्र देवता का ध्यान करें और उनसे love, prosperity, और harmony लाने की प्रार्थना करें।

पानी में रखें

शुक्र शंख को पानी में डुबोकर रखें, फिर उस पानी को अपने घर के हर कोने में छिड़कें। यह घर में शांति और समृद्धि लाता है।

Care Tips Of

शुक्र शंख

गर्मी और नमी से बचाएं

शंख को तेज धूप और excessive moisture से दूर रखें, क्योंकि इससे इसकी texture और shine पर नकारात्मक प्रभाव पड़ सकता है।

सुरक्षित place पर रखें

शुक्र शंख को एक सुरक्षित और clean जगह पर रखें, जैसे कि wooden या velvet pouch में, ताकि यह scratches और किसी भी प्रकार की नुकसान से बचा रहे।

साफ करने के बाद सुखाएं

जब आप शंख को साफ करें, तो इसे एक साफ और सूखे कपड़े से हल्के से पोंछ कर सुखाएं, ताकि moisture न रहे और शंख पूरी तरह से सुरक्षित रहे।

positive energy बनाए रखें

शुक्र शंख को कभी भी negative vibes से संपर्क में न आने दें। इसे ऐसे स्थान पर रखें जहां positive energy बनी रहे और शंख की शक्ति मजबूत रहे।

Prashna Kundli


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General Question & Answer

What is a Shukra Shankh?

The Shukra Shankh is a sacred conch shell associated with Shukracharya, the teacher of the Asuras (demons), and the planet Venus (Shukra). It is believed to embody the positive energies of Venus, including love, beauty, prosperity, and creativity. The shell is considered to bring balance and harmony into one’s life and is often used in spiritual practices to attract positive energies.

What are the benefits of using a Shukra Shankh?

Using a Shukra Shankh brings several benefits, such as:

  • Attracting Prosperity and Wealth: It enhances financial growth and abundance.
  • Improving Relationships: It helps strengthen relationships by promoting love, trust, and understanding.
  • Enhancing Creativity: This conch is believed to boost artistic talents and foster creative abilities.
  • Bringing Peace and Harmony: It brings inner peace and balance to the user’s life, calming their mind.
  • Healing Energy: The shell is said to have healing properties that promote physical and mental well-being.

How can I use the Shukra Shankh in my daily life?

You can use the Shukra Shankh in several ways:

  • Keep it in Your Home: Place the Shankh in your living room or any other prominent space in the house to bring positive energy.
  • Meditation and Prayers: Use the Shankh during meditation or spiritual practices, facing the east or north direction.
  • Carry it as a Talisman: You can also carry the Shukra Shankh in your bag or keep it close to you for its beneficial energy.

How do I care for the Shukra Shankh?

To maintain the Shukra Shankh:

  • Clean it regularly with a soft cloth to keep it free from dust and dirt.
  • Avoid exposing it to direct sunlight or extreme temperatures, as it could affect its natural energy.
  • Keep it in a safe place, preferably in a soft pouch or box to prevent scratches or damage.

What is the significance of the Shukra Shankh in Hindu mythology?

In Hindu mythology, the Shukra Shankh is closely linked to Shukracharya, the guru of the Asuras and the teacher of cosmic wisdom. Shukracharya performed intense penance to gain divine knowledge and the ability to revive the dead. As a result, the Shukra Shankh symbolizes the strength and power of Shukracharya and is believed to carry divine blessings that bring prosperity, happiness, and peace to its user.

Can the Shukra Shankh help improve my love life?

Yes, the Shukra Shankh is known to enhance love and relationships. It can help remove misunderstandings and bring harmony between partners. If you’re facing relationship issues, this shell is believed to attract love and strengthen emotional bonds, fostering trust, loyalty, and affection.

How do I know if the Shukra Shankh is authentic?

When purchasing a Shukra Shankh, make sure to buy it from a trusted seller. Authentic Shukra Shankhs are typically well-polished and have a smooth surface. They should also come with a certificate of authenticity. Avoid buying shells that seem too cheap or look artificial, as they may not have the same spiritual properties.

Can I use the Shukra Shankh to overcome financial problems?

Yes, the Shukra Shankh is often used to attract wealth and financial stability. It is believed to bring prosperity by balancing the energies of Venus, which governs wealth, luxury, and comforts. Keeping the Shankh in your home or office can help remove obstacles in your financial journey and improve overall prosperity.

Can I wear the Shukra Shankh as jewelry?

While the Shukra Shankh is not traditionally worn as jewelry, some people choose to have smaller pieces mounted in pendants or other forms of ornaments. It’s important to ensure that the Shankh remains in direct contact with your skin for the energy to be most effective. Wearing it as a pendant or keeping it near you may help in harnessing its spiritual and material benefits.

How does the Shukra Shankh affect my spiritual growth?

The Shukra Shankh is believed to enhance spiritual awareness by promoting inner peace and harmony. Its positive vibrations can help calm the mind, remove negativity, and encourage clarity of thought. It is a powerful tool for meditation and can help individuals achieve higher states of consciousness.

Where should I keep the Shukra Shankh in my house?

It is best to keep the Shukra Shankh in the living room, study, or meditation area, preferably facing the east or north direction. These directions are believed to attract positive energy and blessings from the divine. Avoid placing the Shankh in areas with heavy traffic or near sources of negative energy like bathrooms or trash bins.

What is the price range of a Shukra Shankh?

The price of a Shukra Shankh depends on its size, quality, and authenticity:

  • Small Shukra Shankh (3 to 5 inches): ₹500 to ₹1,500
  • Medium Shukra Shankh (5 to 8 inches): ₹1,500 to ₹3,500
  • Large Shukra Shankh (8 inches and above): ₹3,500 and above Make sure to purchase the Shankh from reliable sellers who provide certificates of authenticity to ensure you’re getting a genuine and effective Shukra Shankh.

Story of Shukra Shankh

In Hindu mythology, the Shukra Shankh holds a special place due to its connection with Shukracharya, the teacher of the demons (Asuras), and the planet Venus (Shukra). Shukracharya was renowned for his vast knowledge, spiritual wisdom, and his ability to perform powerful rituals, including the Sanjeevani Vidya— the knowledge to revive the dead.

It is said that Shukracharya once undertook severe penance to please Lord Shiva, in hopes of gaining divine powers. Impressed by his dedication, Lord Shiva granted him the divine knowledge and the Sanjeevani mantra.

As a symbol of this blessing, the Shukra Shankh was born. The shell is believed to carry the immense spiritual energy and brilliance of Shukracharya’s devotion.

The Shukra Shankh is considered a rare and sacred treasure, embodying the positive qualities of Venus—such as love, creativity, prosperity, and beauty. It is believed to have the power to bring peace and balance, improving relationships, attracting good fortune, and enhancing material comforts.

In astrology, the Shukra Shankh is used to strengthen the favorable aspects of Venus and to reduce the negative effects. Those who keep or use this shell are believed to experience harmony in both personal and professional life, creativity in their work, and a deepened sense of spiritual awareness.

The Shukra Shankh is often recommended for those facing challenges in love, marriage, or finances. It is also said to help clear creative blocks and reduce the negative impacts of Venus-related planetary issues, bringing prosperity, stability, and happiness.

This sacred Shankh continues to inspire those seeking spiritual growth, emotional balance, and material well-being, making it a treasured and respected symbol in Indian culture.

Type and Origin of Shukra Shankh

Type of Shukra Shankh

  1. Dakshinavarti Shukra Shankh
    • A conch with its spiral opening on the right side.
    • Known to attract wealth, luxury, and harmony.
    • Commonly used for rituals to enhance Venus (Shukra) energy.
  2. Vamavarti Shukra Shankh
    • A conch with its spiral opening on the left side.
    • Symbolizes peace, love, and beauty.
    • Ideal for fostering emotional balance and relationships.
  3. Natural Shukra Shankh
    • Found in its original, unaltered form.
    • Revered for its pure vibrations and natural energy.
    • Considered most effective for balancing Venus energy.
  4. Carved or Embellished Shukra Shankh
    • Beautifully decorated with carvings or precious materials.
    • Used in rituals or as a decorative item to enhance spiritual spaces.
    • Combines aesthetic appeal with spiritual significance.

Origin of Shukra Shankh

  1. Found in Specific Oceans
    • The Shukra Shankh is naturally found in oceans, particularly in the Indian Ocean and Pacific regions.
    • The unique shape and properties are attributed to the ocean’s divine energy.
  2. Mythological Significance
    • Associated with the planet Venus (Shukra), symbolizing love, beauty, and prosperity.
    • Believed to carry blessings from celestial forces to enhance life’s pleasures and harmony.
  3. Relation to Lord Shukracharya
    • Linked to Sage Shukracharya, the guru of the Asuras, known for his wisdom and knowledge of Venus energy.
    • The Shankh is believed to hold the divine vibrations of his teachings.
  4. Cultural and Historical Value
    • Used for centuries in Vedic rituals and astrology practices.
    • Its natural formation and divine associations make it a highly prized spiritual tool.

The types and origins of the Shukra Shankh showcase its significance in enhancing love, prosperity, and beauty while harmonizing the Venus energy in life.

Pricing of the Shukra Shankh

The price of the Shukra Shankh varies based on factors like size, quality, and authenticity. Here is a general guide:

  • Small Shukra Shankh (3 to 5 inches)
    Price Range: ₹500 to ₹1,500
    Best for those looking for an affordable option to experience the benefits of the Shukra Shankh.
  • Medium Shukra Shankh (5 to 8 inches)
    Price Range: ₹1,500 to ₹3,500
    A good balance of price and quality, suitable for regular use and spiritual practices.
  • Large Shukra Shankh (8 inches and above)
    Price Range: ₹3,500 and above
    Ideal for collectors or those seeking premium-quality Shankh for powerful spiritual effects.

It’s important to buy Shukra Shankh from trusted sources who offer authenticity certificates. Be cautious of fake Shankhs available at unusually low prices, as they may not provide the desired benefits.